My name is Bhanu Prakash Sai.

Computer Science Student.

I'm a student specializing in Web development and Software Engineering.

Currently, I'm learning skills required to be a good programmer.


Latest Java Project

Ware House Management

A java console application where we can create computers, smartphones, laptops with available information such as brand name ,model name, price etc. We store them in a virtual shelf. Projects contains one main menu to show the options such as add, delete, print the computers we stored. Get my project here

Technologies used:

  • Java
screenshot of warehouse

Python Project

ChatBot in college Website

A python application developed for a college website to answer the queries of students and parents about college. This project was developed by using chatterbot package. Get my project here

Technologies used:

  • Python
  • Chatter bot
screenshot of ChatBot

Front-End Project

Personal Portfolio

The collection of web pages to represent myself such as work, skills, projects and experience etc.

Technologies used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
Bhanu profile

Contact Me

I'm always interested in hearing about latest technologies, workshops,job offers or to be part of open source projects

Email Me